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ILO launches sixth Global Media Competition on Labour Migration and Fair Recruitment
GENEVA (ILO News) – The International Labour Organization (ILO) is launching its sixth annual Global Media Competition to recognize exemplary media coverage on labour migration and fair recruitment. The competition aims to promote quality reporting on l
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: States Must Act Now to Address Wage Theft for Migrant Workers
Appeal 4 On the 1st of June 2020, a large coalition of civil society organizations and trade unions released an urgent appeal calling for a transitional justice mechanism for migrant workers stranded and repatriated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The appea
COVID-19: A Time for Businesses to Act Responsibly in Ensuring Justice for Migrant Workers
The Role of Business in Preventing Labour and Human Rights Abuses The UN Guiding Principles On Business and Human Rights, which were unanimously endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council 2011, make clear both the duty of states and the responsibilities of c
Action Research on Recruitment Trends
Assessment guide for bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding on labour migration, with a special focus on Bangladesh
Memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and bilateral labour agreements (BLAs) are important instruments between the countries of origin and countries of destination. They help regulate labour migration, protect migrant workers’ rights and guarantee condition
10 Things Governments Can Do to Ensure Fair Recruitment
The ILO, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, is implementing a new regional labour migration project to promote fair migration and address forced labour and trafficking for labour exploitation. The Regional Fair Migration
Ways forward in recruitment of low-skilled migrant workers in the Asia-Arab states corridor
This White Paper serves to further stimulate policy dialogue for fair migration in the countries of origin and destination in Asia the Arab States corridor. Within the Asia-Arab States corridor, the ILO Regional Office for Arab States (ROAS) and the ILO R
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Data Collection & Research
To enhance our collective knowledge on recruitment modalities operating internationally, the Open Working Group on Labour Migration & Recruitment is collaborating on a global study on migrant labour recruitment. Volunteer researchers are administering