3 August 2015, Saudi Gazette in Yahoo News The Ministry of Labor has warned citizens and other clients against dealing with unlicensed recruitment offices and said they should approach offices registered with the ministry’s Musanid website for recru... read more
Jennifer Gordon, Solidarity Center, 2015 SUMMARY “I contend that a key goal of efforts to regulate recruitment should be to reshape the incentives of the entities at the top of the product or service supply chain, so that in turn they become the for... read more
29 June 2015, Malaysiakini.com MP SPEAKS Last Thursday, Home Affairs Minister Ahmad Zahid said approximately 1.5 million workers from Bangladesh would be brought to Malaysia in stages, over three years, to meet the demands of employers from various sector... read more
29 June 2015, Daily News Overseas recruitment firms in Nepal picketed the country’s Department of Foreign Employment (DOFE) last week. Demanding that the new mandate that foreign employers pay visa and travel fees for Nepalese migrant workers be revoked... read more
29 April 2015, Devex Two years after the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh killed more than 1,100 workers and injured 2,515 — the deadliest garment factory accident on record — donors and entrepreneurs are calling upon the power of data to pre... read more
28 March 2015, Emirates 24/7 UAE, IOM agree to conduct study on Labour Recruitment Industry The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the International Organisation for Migration have recently signed an agreement to conduct a field study about the Labour Recruit... read more
18 February 2015, Bloomberg View Human rights observers applauded last week when Apple announced its most ambitious effort yet to stamp out labor abuses among its Asian suppliers. Recruitment agencies in Asia are no longer allowed to charge fees to fact... read more
18 February 2015, Southern Poverty Law Center A federal jury in an SPLC case today awarded $14 million in compensatory and punitive damages to five Indian guest workers who were defrauded and exploited in a labor trafficking scheme engineered by a Gulf Co... read more
17 February 2015, The Cambodia Daily The South Korean government will double the number of Cambodian migrant workers who are granted permits to take up employment in the country’s manufacturing, construction and agriculture sectors each year, officials ... read more
14 February 2015, The Economist Working abroad is no bargain BROKERS’ billboards outside Tan Lieu, a poor rural community in northern Vietnam, advertise “Labour Export”—jobs abroad. Vietnam’s youthful population of 90m adds up to 1.5m each year ... read more