The Open Working Group on Labour Migration & Recruitment is hosting its second online discussion—this one is on the topic of recruitment fees. The charging of legal and illegal recruitment fees, which drive up the cost of migration, has been highli... read more
Expert Consultation on Recruitment Practices and their impact on the human rights of migrants Human Rights Council Resolution 26/19, requests, inter alia, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants to examine ways and means to overcome the obs... read more
The Ingram Symposium on Labour Migration in the Asia Pacific Region will provide a unique opportunity for policymakers, researchers, advocates, and industry stakeholders in Australia to engage with the Asia Pacific region’s leading labour migration expe... read more
On September 30th, 2014, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. (CDM) will launch Contratados, a social justice initiative that uses technology and art to increase transparency and combat abuse in U.S. guest worker programs. The project, whose name ref... read more
KAFA to Launch Study on Exploitation in the Recruitment Process On September 8th, KAFA (Lebanon) launches its study on the exploitation of migrant domestic workers in the recruitment process. KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation is a feminist, secul... read more
Leading practitioners and academics from the ILO’s Migration and Governance Network research network meet to discuss key issues related to labour migration and recruitment in the Arab region. A workshop organized by the ILO’s Migration and Governance ... read more
Workshop at People’s Global Action on Migration, Development, & Human Rights Reforming the recruitment industry has been at the top of the agenda for migrant workers and migrants’ rights advocacy organizations for many years. While governments... read more