To enhance our collective knowledge on recruitment modalities operating internationally, the Open Working Group on Labour Migration & Recruitment is collaborating on a global study on migrant labour recruitment. Volunteer researchers are administering... read more
A small but growing number of “ethical recruiters” have entered the global labour recruitment market, committed to a no-fees-for-workers business model and to following codes of conduct outlining principles of fairness and respect for worker rights.... read more
An all-too-common reality for migrant workers is the risk that they will be asked—even coerced—to sign multiple contracts outlining different terms of employment. Unscrupulous recruiters make false promises to prospective migrants, convincing the... read more

Across the world, unscrupulous recruitment agencies and their sub-agents charge workers high fees to connect them with foreign employers. To pay these fees, migrant workers and their families take on large debts at high interest rates. These debts ca... read more