A two-day meeting of labour sending countries in Asia began today in Kathmandu with the objective of developing a joint contribution to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration preparatory process.
The discussions and recommendations will be based on the five thematic areas of the Colombo Process: skills and qualification recognition processes of labour migrants; fostering ethical recruitment; effective pre-departure orientation and empowerment for migrant workers; remittances; and international labour market analysis, read a press release issued by the International Organisation for Migration, Nepal, today.
The meeting will dwell on an opportunity for the Colombo Process Member States to provide the GCM with their collective experiences and effective practices to address migration challenges and opportunities and ensure that the regional perspective is reflected in the final outcome of the GCM process.
The outcome of this meeting — the joint Colombo Process contribution to the GCM — will be shared at the regional United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific consultation in Bangkok, Thailand, and submitted for consideration at the GCM stocktaking meeting in Mexico.