In an attempt to protect the interests and safety of Cambodian maids who travel to Malaysia, the Association of Cambodian Recruitment Agencies (ACRA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Malaysia National Association of Employment Agencies (PIKAP) last week, according to officials.
Minister of Labor Ith Samheng, who witnessed the signing of the MoU in Phnom Penh on Thursday, said it was essential that the safety and security of Cambodian maids was ensured, and that the MoU would curb the rate of illegal trafficking and migration in the so called “maid-trade.”
“The MoU shows the roles and responsibilities in ensuring the benefits of protection, health and safety of workers and maids from the beginning of recruitment, training, transmission and management till repatriation,” he said.
Mr. Samheng added that the recruitment agencies of the two countries must work together to provide necessary services to save and protect Cambodian maids.
The Cambodian embassy in Kuala Lumpur has intervened in a string of cases of Cambodian women being lured into jobs in Malaysia, with many ending up working as domestic slaves.
Ung Seang Rithy, the President of the Ung Rithy Group, said at the MoU signing ceremony that Cambodian and Malaysian agencies will work together to ensure transparency and job security for Cambodian workers to avoid abuse, but its efforts must be backed up with the cooperation of relevant institutions, especially the Cambodian embassy in Malaysia.