29 January 2015, The Malaysian Insider
Business leaders in the country are disapproving the outsourcing of visa services by the Home Ministry to a private company, saying it will drive up costs and complicate the process of bringing in foreign workers.
The Star Online reported today that thirty local business and commerce groups issued a statement rejecting Bestinet Sdn Bhd’s Foreign Workers Centralised Management System to process and renew the visa with reference (VDR), also known as the “calling visa”, for foreign workers.
The system was implemented last month amid uproar from labour recruitment agencies in Indonesia and Nepal.
Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) deputy secretary-general Tan Sri Teo Chiang Kok said businesses still wanted the option of using over-the-counter services instead of being forced to use the online FWCMS only.
“It is not equitable to have these systems made mandatory without the public being given the option of using the over-the-counter services previously provided by the Home Ministry,” he was quoted saying at a joint press conference with other groups yesterday.
The Star reported that this prompted Asosiasi Perusahaan Jasa Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (Apjati), which represents more than 500 labour agencies there, to write to the Indonesian government calling for an immediate stop to sending workers to Malaysia unless the fee was reverted to RM15.
Nepal has also closed down a Malaysian visa processing company operating at the Malaysian embassy there after the visa processing fee was raised by an additional RM166.