Webinar, “No Fees” Initiative, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
Valentina Gurney, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility’s lead on the “No Fees” Initiative, will introduce participants to the growing problem of unethical recruitment practices that result in forced or compulsory labor occurring throughout the extended supply chains of various industries overseas as well as domestically. The webinar will touch on the agricultural sector and focus on the seafood industry, guiding investors through the tools developed in collaboration with ICCR partner organizations, including NGOs and civil society to address the problem of labor brokers worldwide through shareholder advocacy. Discussion will center on how to move the business community towards more expansive verification and remediation of modern slavery throughout supply chains.
Guest speakers include: Genevieve Taft with Global Workplace Rights Division at The Coca-Cola Company who will discuss Coca Cola’s recently adopted guidelines on ethical recruitment and the company’s work in implementing these steps.
Lisa Rende Taylor, heading Anti-Slavery International’s Project Issara, that addresses human trafficking in Thai supply chains. Lisa’s presentation will provide a perspective from the field, outlining current labor practices and the negative impacts on workers in the seafood sector, and what are some of the steps companies should take to address the problem.
The goal of the webinar is to build investor awareness of the role of unethical recruiters in global supply chains and discuss ways to engage companies to proactively identify and address human trafficking and modern slavery risks.
Please join us to learn how investors can play a more informed role by engaging companies to adopt and implement responsible recruitment practices on July 31, at 9:00 AM EST.