This working paper identifies the good practices applied by those private employment agencies that adopt fair recruitment principles for prospective migrant workers. It also describes the challenges that such recruiters face, including the bottlenecks and gaps in the legislative and regulatory frameworks that stand in the way of agencies committed to fair principles. The paper considers the commercial and practical challenges that confront fair labour recruiters, and identifies opportunities to help them to thrive in a highly competitive market. It examines how fair recruitment practices can be promoted in areas such as Mindanao, where deceptive and abusive recruitment practices are currently most prevalent. Finally, it identifies specific migration corridors in which fair recruitment practices could become the norm.
For more information visit the ILO website: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/labour-migration/publications/WCMS_585891/lang–en/index.htm
Please click the link below to download the full report:
FAIR SHARE? International recruitment in the Philippines