KATHMANDU, JUL 19 – In a bid to institutionalise the newly introduced provision of free visa and ticket, the government has planned to mention “minimum cost recruitment” in all bilateral labour agreements it signs with the major labour receiving countries.Senior officials at the Ministry of Foreign Employment claim that guaranteeing cost-free visa and ticket in bilateral agreements would not only give legal validity to the provision in the labour receiving country but also make it binding for employers to stick to the rules at all times.
The provision would be explicitly mentioned in both new and revised labour pacts signed with the host countries. Nepal is in the process to sign labour agreements with Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the first, third and fifth largest recipients of Nepali migrant workers. It is also in the process to revise labour agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
“Work is in progress to mention the rule in the memorandum of understanding. It won’t take long as most of the countries are eager to sign the agreement,” said State Minister for Labour and Employment Tek Bahadur Gurung.