Current sponsorship regimes in the Middle East have been criticized for creating an asymmetrical power relationship between employers and migrant workers – which can make workers vulnerable to forced labour. Essential to the vulnerability of migrant wor... read more
The report studies the prevailing recruitment practices in Pakistan with a focus on low-skilled migrant workers. It describes the current legal and policy frameworks, looks at actual practices and provides recommendations on how to make enforcement of rec... read more
This report presents the findings of a survey on migration expenses that Pakistani workers paid to secure jobs in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The focus is on low-skilled migrants, who are the most vulnerable because of their low educational... read more
105th session of the International Labour Conference During the 105th session of the ILC, calls for a binding instrument on Decent Work Global Supply Chains are being debated. Including this item on the agenda has been a longstanding call from the Workers... read more
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 Study on Bangladesh’s efforts to make international recruitment cost effective, transparent, and consistent by bringing into force a variety of measures. Regulatory governance of international recruitmen... read more
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 This working paper presents the role of international labour standards in regulating recruitment and provides a preliminary overview of national laws, policies, regulations and enforcement mechanism which aim ... read more
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 This working paper discusses regulatory models and other measures available to stop abusive recruitment practices. It seeks to explain why the labour recruitment market operates as it does, and to propose resp... read more
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 This working paper aims to shed light on the business models of labour recruiters that facilitate the recruitment of women from South Asian countries into domestic work in the Middle East, with a particular fo... read more
Dovelyn Rannveig Agunias, August 2012 The Middle East remains one of the most sought-after and competitive labour markets in the world. Here, the supply of labour overwhelmingly outweighs demand, making it extremely difficult to control recruitment practi... read more
15474016.pdf Report by Marco Doudeijns & Jean-Christophe Dumont Brussels January 2003 This document presents the result of studies recently carried out in a range of OECD Member countries on labour shortages and the role that migration can play to all... read more