The 5th ADD Ministerial Consultation was held from 16-17 October 2019 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The ADD was established in 2008 as a forum for dialogue and cooperation between Asian countries of labour origin and destination. The ADD consists of the... read more
The domestic work sector in the Middle East is constantly evolving. No longer are domestic workers employed only to clean homes – modern households are increasingly expecting domestic workers to support the care of children during critical stages of dev... read more
This working paper identifies the good practices applied by those private employment agencies that adopt fair recruitment principles for prospective migrant workers. It also describes the challenges that such recruiters face, including the bottlenecks and... read more
International Labour Organisation, 2016 There are different types of practices to support better recruitment of migrant workers. They generally vary according to context, regulation, stakeholders and the type of organisation or system that is used to orga... read more
Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, 2014 Executive Summary This report reveals the reality of international labor recruitment for low-wage, temporary jobs in the United States, examining recruitment in Mexico, home to the largest number of temporary migr... read more
Migrant Workers’ Rights on Saadiyat Island in the United Arab Emirates: 2015 Progress Report, Human Rights Watch, 2015 SUMMARY “Migrant Workers’ Rights on Saadiyat Island in the United Arab Emirates: 2015 Progress Report,” is the third Human Right... read more
ILO / Asian Research Center for Migration, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 2013 Summary: The report finds that the complaint mechanisms available for inbound and outbound migrant workers to address grievances related to their recruit... read more
7 January 2015, Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition On 7 January 2015, the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition released a position paper in response to the study on forced labour in Malaysia’s electronics industry published by Verité i... read more
October 2014, Open Working Group on Labour Migration & Recruitment The UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants will dedicate one of his 2016 reports to the Human Rights Council on international labour recruitment. His office requested in... read more
October 2014, Urban Institute & Northeastern University On October 21st, the Urban Institute and Northeastern University released a new study on labour trafficking to the United States. The report examines the labour trafficking process, from recruit... read more