Action Research

Statements & Reports

Civil Society Contributions to the Special Rapporteur’s Report to the UN Human Rights Council on Migrant Labour Recruitment
October 2014, Open Working Group on Labour Migration & Recruitment The UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants will dedicate one of his 2016 reports to the Human Rights Council on international labour recruitment. His office requested in
- November 3, 2014
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Migrant Workers Report Cards
In 2013, the Canadian Council for Refugees published a series of report cards on the treatment of migrant workers in Canada by the national and provincial governments. Each of these report cards highlights abuses in the system of recruitment, alongside ot
- August 11, 2014
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Policy Brief: Labor Migration Agents: Regulation, Accountability and Alternatives
Policy Brief No. 5, June 2014 Centre for the Study of Labour & Mobility, University of New South Wales, Australia Authors: Eleanor Taylor-Nicholson, Sarah Paoleti, Bandita Sijapati, Bassina Farenblum SUMMARY The extensive use of unregulated labor migr
- July 20, 2014
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IGO Reports

Global labour recruitment in a supply chain context
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 This working paper discusses regulatory models and other measures available to stop abusive recruitment practices. It seeks to explain why the labour recruitment market operates as it does, and to propose resp
- July 9, 2015
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For a fee: The business of recruiting Bangladeshi women for domestic work in Jordan and Lebanon
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 This working paper aims to shed light on the business models of labour recruiters that facilitate the recruitment of women from South Asian countries into domestic work in the Middle East, with a particular fo
- July 9, 2015
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IOM & MPI Report: “Regulating Private Recruitment in the Asia-Middle East Labour Migration Corridor”
Dovelyn Rannveig Agunias, August 2012 The Middle East remains one of the most sought-after and competitive labour markets in the world. Here, the supply of labour overwhelmingly outweighs demand, making it extremely difficult to control recruitment practi
- June 22, 2014
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