Action Research

Statements & Reports

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants
11 August 2015 The thematic section of the SR’s report discusses the impact of recruitment practices on the human rights of migrants, particularly low-wage workers, during labour migration. The report outlines the trends relating to recruitment prac
- August 10, 2015
- Admin

Preventing and responding to abusive and fraudulent labour recruitment: A call for action
ILO / UNODC, 23 June 2015 In today’s globalized economy, workers are increasingly compelled to look for job opportunities far away from home, and many find employment in countries other than their own. While labour mobility brings benefits to millions o
- July 9, 2015
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EICC: Working to Eradicate Forced Labor in the Electronics Supply Chain
7 January 2015, Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition On 7 January 2015, the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition released a position paper in response to the study on forced labour in Malaysia’s electronics industry published by VeritĂ© i
- January 7, 2015
- Admin
IGO Reports

ILO Report IV: Decent Work in Global Supply Chains
105th session of the International Labour Conference During the 105th session of the ILC, calls for a binding instrument on Decent Work Global Supply Chains are being debated. Including this item on the agenda has been a longstanding call from the Workers
- May 31, 2016
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Causes of and potential redress for high recruitment and migration costs in Bangladesh
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 Study on Bangladesh’s efforts to make international recruitment cost effective, transparent, and consistent by bringing into force a variety of measures. Regulatory governance of international recruitmen
- July 9, 2015
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Regulating labour recruitment to prevent human trafficking and to foster fair migration: Models, challenges and opportunities
ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, 24 June 2015 This working paper presents the role of international labour standards in regulating recruitment and provides a preliminary overview of national laws, policies, regulations and enforcement mechanism which aim
- July 9, 2015
- Admin