This year, specific media coverage of the impact of COVID-19 on labour migration and fair recruitment, including contributions of migrant care workers, will be viewed favourably, as well as stories about migrant domestic workers to mark celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the ILO Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189).
The competition is open to both professional and student journalists. The winners will be selected by a panel of experts in international migration and journalism, based on creativity, accuracy and balance, protection of migrants, and positive portrayal of labour migration (see Terms and Conditions for details).
How to enter
Complete the online entry form as either a ‘professional’ or ‘student’ entrant. You can submit your piece in the following formats: written press, photo essay, multimedia, podcast, video and/or radio. Students are allowed to submit a published or unpublished media piece. See the full Terms and Conditions for details.
To qualify, entries must have been published between 15 October 2020 and 15 October 2021. A submission in any language is welcome. However an English, French or Spanish translation must be included if the submitted material, or parts of it are in another language.
Key dates
15 October 2021 (23:59, Central European Time): Deadline for submissions, via the online entry form .
December 2021: Competition winners will be announced to celebrate International Migrants Day (winners will be contacted in advance).
The competition will award three professional prizes and one student prize. The winners will be able to choose between cash (USD 1,200 in the professional category and USD 500 for the student category) or a paid fellowship to participate in an online ITC-Turin course on a fair recruitment or labour migration topic in 2022 (see full Terms and Conditions for details).
Specific coverage of the following issues are encouraged
COVID-19 impact on labour migration and fair recruitment, including on care workers’ contributions
Illustrate how COVID-19 affects international labour migration, migrant recruitment practices and migrant workers’ lives and their families. Media reports that highlight aspects of impact to the effective enjoyment of decent work are encouraged, including adequate working conditions, payment of wages, repatriation support and access to health care and social protection, as well as their exposure to potential exploitation and abuse.
Migrant domestic workers
Illustrate why it is important to ensure decent work for domestic workers , including their rights to a minimum set of protections under labour law and acknowledge the crucial social and economic contribution of domestic workers.
For more information, see Terms and Conditions .
The competition is supported by the International Trade Union Confederation, the International Organisation of Employers, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Federation of Journalists, Equal Times, Solidarity Centre, and Migrant Forum in Asia. The competition is also organized with the support of the European Union funded ‘Global Action to Improve the Recruitment Framework of Labour Migration ’ (REFRAME) project, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation funded ‘Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment – Phase II ’ (FAIR II).
Contact: labour-migration-media-competition@ilo.org