Workshop at People’s Global Action on Migration, Development, & Human Rights
Reforming the recruitment industry has been at the top of the agenda for migrant workers and migrants’ rights advocacy organizations for many years. While governments have acknowledged the need for enhanced regulatory mechanisms for this industry, efforts to implement effective measures have, thus far, been unable to bring about much needed reforms to alleviate the exploitation of migrant workers.
This learning workshop will focus on building collaborative, cross-border, civil society relationships and continuing to form a Global Recruitment Reform Coalition. In this workshop, the nascent Global Recruitment Reform Coalition will explore unifying data collection across migration corridors, the use of technology to collect information, and technological platforms for workers to report recruitment and labor abuses. Workshop participants will share examples of how they are reaching workers, what workers say about their recruitment experiences, and the organizing, campaign, and advocacy tools they use to document abuses. Participants are encouraged to bring sample surveys they are using to document recruitment abuse and are encouraged to contact the organizers about their work in this area prior to the workshop by emailing
The objectives of this workshop are:
- Strengthen grassroots networks;
- Promote information sharing on recruitment and labor abuses and promising recruitment practices;
- Empower migrants in the recruitment process; and
- Begin standardizing core information collected about abuses in international labor recruitment.
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