By Austin Grabish
CBC News| 9 Oct 2017
A Manitoba pork processing plant is suing a Toronto recruiter and former staffer for allegedly misleading foreign workers and persuading them to quit their jobs at the plant to work with companies from which the recruiter allegedly benefited financially.
The lawsuit — filed on Sept. 19 by HyLife Foods against Toronto recruiting company A & L Hammer Workforce Management Inc., Lily Hammer and Neepawa, Man., resident Emerson Ballad — alleges they conspired together to hurt HyLife Foods.
It’s alleged Hammer convinced workers employed at the Neepawa plant to breach their employment contracts with the company by telling workers they could use their work permits for HyLife with another employer.
Workers were told the recruitment company would bring their families to Canada on tourist visas and work under the table while waiting for permits, the statement of claim alleges.