New Straits Times | 26 October 2018
Malaysia — HOME Affairs Minister Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin on Wednesday announced the government’s plan to put an end to foreign worker recruitment by private companies, a system that has been a bane to employers and migrants. As part of the revamp, the oversight of the new process will be taken over by the Human Resources Ministry from next year with the recruitment being managed by private employment agencies.
Would this new system be a better system? It can be if it sheds everything that is wrong with the current system.
First of all, it must be a transparent system that every deserving employer can access. Under the old opaque process, nominal “employers” who existed only on paper were able to beat the system by securing a permit to recruit foreign workers. Having secured them, they were then able to farm out the workers to employers who needed them. Encouraged by the ease with which agency fees could be harvested, middlemen mushroomed. Neither the employers nor the workers gained from such an opaque process.