Ho Chi Minh City – As the COVID-19 pandemic increases vulnerabilities of migrant workers across the globe, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has joined forces with the Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) to promote the voice of migrant worker... read more
By Pete Pattisson The Guardian 9 May 2017 Labour rights groups have cast doubt on the impact and scope of proposals by Panasonic and Samsung to address the alleged abuse of foreign migrants in their supply chains in Malaysia. Last November, a Guardian inv... read more
Kate Hodal and Annie Kelly Monday 21 November 2016 05.00 GMT / The Guardian When it comes to electronics, what Malaysia makes matters. According to a 2014 study “virtually every device on the market today” – from tablets to laser printers to microwa... read more
105th session of the International Labour Conference During the 105th session of the ILC, calls for a binding instrument on Decent Work Global Supply Chains are being debated. Including this item on the agenda has been a longstanding call from the Workers... read more
18 February 2015, Bloomberg View Human rights observers applauded last week when Apple announced its most ambitious effort yet to stamp out labor abuses among its Asian suppliers. Recruitment agencies in Asia are no longer allowed to charge fees to fact... read more
Institute for Human Rights & Business, September 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Human trafficking and forced labour are huge problems on a global scale. An estimated 20.9 million men, women and children worldwide are in forced labour at any one time with 90% ... read more
From the Verité website: Whether you are a brand, supplier, government, investor, anti-slavery or labor-rights organization, social auditor, or certifier, your approach to protecting migrant workers is not complete unless it includes a focus on the path ... read more