Jennifer Gordon, Solidarity Center, 2015 SUMMARY “I contend that a key goal of efforts to regulate recruitment should be to reshape the incentives of the entities at the top of the product or service supply chain, so that in turn they become the for... read more
13 September, The Guardian The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has called on the United Nations to investigate evidence that thousands of migrant workers in the United Arab Emirates, including those building a new Louvre museum and the worl... read more
8 August 2014, Australian Ageing Agenda Ethno-specific aged care provider Fronditha Care has been given the green light to sponsor 60 overseas personal care workers in the first agreement to be struck with the Federal Government. It comes amid growing cal... read more
A Report on the Recruitment Practices & Problems Experienced by Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong, October 2013 Lead Researcher: Rex Varona / Editor: Jose Juan V. Tordilla Publishers: Alliance for Progressive Labor; Labor Education & Research... read more
October 2008 Volume 15 Number 4 Labor migration from South Asia mostly involves: (1) workers going to work with two- or three-year contracts to the Gulf oil exporters; (2) a high share of women leaving to be domestic helpers from countries such as Sri Lan... read more