This White Paper serves to further stimulate policy dialogue for fair migration in the countries of origin and destination in Asia the Arab States corridor.
Within the Asia-Arab States corridor, the ILO Regional Office for Arab States (ROAS) and the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) have collaborated with constituents to promote fair migration during several forums. It outlines – in Section 1 – the main challenges to fair recruitment in the Asia-Arab States corridor, and proposes concrete measures for reform (in Section 2). Reform will require harmonizing legislation, accreditation and monitoring between countries of origin and destination, as well as significant cooperation with the private sector for the review of business practices by corporate contractors and employers of domestic workers.
For more information visit the ILO website: https://www.ilo.org/beirut/publications/WCMS_519913/lang–en/index.htm
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Ways forward in recruitment of low-skilled migrant workers in the Asia-Arab states corridor