Robert Benzie, Toronto Star, 16 July 2014 Labour Minister Kevin Flynn revives Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act that would clamp down on employers and employment agencies who violate workers’ rights. Lilliane Namukasa knows what it’s like... read more
Gulf Times, 13 July 2014 A Qatar Foundation report has highlighted 10 key points for improving workers’ conditions in Qatar after a study found that many of them were subjected to rights violations in the home countries well before their arrival in Doh... read more
Ray Jureidini, Qatar Foundation, 2014 This report examines foreign labour recruitment into Qatar. The report is based on a study conducted to ascertain the financial and procedural circumstances that give rise to basic human rights violations during labou... read more
Institute for Human Rights & Business, September 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Human trafficking and forced labour are huge problems on a global scale. An estimated 20.9 million men, women and children worldwide are in forced labour at any one time with 90% ... read more
Fay Faraday, Metcalfe Foundation, September 2012 In the past decade, Canada’s labour market has undergone a significant shift to rely increasingly on migrant workers who come to Canada from around the globe on time-limited work permits to provide labour... read more