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Malaysia to remove middlemen from recruitment process
New Age Bangladesh | 26 December 2019 Malaysia decided to eliminate middlemen who charge millions of foreign workers exorbitant recruitment fees, leaving them saddled with debt and vulnerable to exploitation. From factories to construction sites and plant
Direct hiring of migrant workers
The Financial Express| 24 December 2018 Unsurprisingly, Kuala Lumpur takes the lead in weeding out middlemen or agents from its pre-existing migrant workers’ recruitment policies and practices. In a propitious combination of circumstances, one may a
Drop in permits to work in Malaysia
Kathmandu Post | 23 December 2018 The number of permits issued to Nepalis aspiring to work in various countries has gone down in the past few months. In the first four months of the current fiscal year, the Department of Foreign Employment issued a total
Action Research on Recruitment Trends
“Made in Canada: How the Law Constructs Migrant Workers’ Insecurity”
Fay Faraday, Metcalfe Foundation, September 2012 In the past decade, Canada’s labour market has undergone a significant shift to rely increasingly on migrant workers who come to Canada from around the globe on time-limited work permits to provide labour
“Profiting from the Precarious: How Recruitment Practices Exploit Migrant Workers”
Fay Faraday, Metcalfe Foundation, April 2014 Over the past decade, Canadian employers have increasingly demanded access to a “flexible” workforce of transnational migrant workers. Canadian laws and policies have responded, speeding the flow of workers
Gaming the System: Guest Worker Visa Programs and Professional and Technical Workers in the U.S.
Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (2012) Executive Summary An array of skilled worker visas, including the H-1B, L, and J, is available to employers seeking guest workers. In FY2010 alone, over 350,000 guest worker visas, as well as OPT, were